Andra reaches the top of Sonora Pass at 10,500ft. The mountain is somewhat like a knife edge here, it goes up steeply and drops just as steeply on the other side. The weather is good, but we want to start working down the other side to get out of the wind.

Here I am at the top, enjoying the view. As impossible as it may sound, the trail forks at the top of the pass. One trail goes down into the valley and the other snakes along the mountain ridge to the East. I double check to insure the route descending into the valley is correct before proceeding.

Dave reaches the top of the pass and snaps this self-portrait. I am way down the mountain off the left hand side of this photo. I am very glad to see Dave appear at the top. By now, unknown to us, his back is starting to hurt him. He's probably getting back cramps from his pack and those can be very painful.

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