Dave catches us for one final trail photo. It was about another mile from here to reach the car. Two days after we left, Sonora and Ebbetts pass were closed due to snow. Glad we got out before we ended up on the wrong side of a locked gate. Hunting season had just started while we were sequestered in the backcountry.

When we returned home, this four pointer was standing in our yard. Buck standing in your yard at the start of hunting season. Hmmm... now where did I put my rifle...

I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as we enjoyed getting away from it all.

Mike, Andra, and Dave...

P.S. Thanks as always to Chip for accepting the responsibility of receiving our trip "flight plan" and being a friend I can rely on for support if life took a terrible turn for the worse. Everyone needs such friends in our lives and we should all be thankful for such friends as they remind us that we are not alone in our daily struggles.

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