Yosemite Vacation 2005

On September 17th, Andra and I once again disappeared into the Sierra's. Having planned this trip for months, Andra couldn't wait for the date to arrive. The plan was to hike in from the Sunrise Lakes trailhead near Tenaya Lake and wander through the back country of Yosemite for six days, exiting at Happy Isles. We would then spend three days in Curry Village to recoup and continue sightseeing.

The map below shows the intended route. Sorry about the size, but if I made it any smaller, you wouldn't be able to read it.

The red flag near Tenaya Lake was where we started. On the first day we planned to hike only to the Sunrise Lakes area and camp at the first lake (red flag). The next day we would head for the next red flag and setup camp there before heading for the summit of Clouds Rest (9926ft black arrow). Originally we thought we'd spend two nights here, but having made good time, we reached Clouds Rest (with day packs only) sooner than we expected and decided to break camp the next day for Little Yosemite Valley. From Little Yosemite Valley we explored east toward Bunnel Cascade and also back up the Half Dome trail to once again stand on the mighty rock. You can see our exit point in the far left corner at Happy Isles. The total hiking distance was approximately 31 miles.

Enjoy the photos.

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